Can Hydrangeas Grow in Clay Soil?
Absolutely, hydrangeas can indeed grow in clay soil! While clay soil has a reputation for being a tough customer in the gardening world, with some care and know-how, you can make it a cozy home for these beautiful blooms. Hold onto your gardening
Can You Split Hydrangeas?
Yes, you can split hydrangeas, benefiting the plants and your yard. Splitting hydrangeas is the process of carefully separating a mature hydrangea plant into multiple parts, each with its own set of roots and stems. This process not only makes older plants look
Old Wood vs New Wood Hydrangeas: What Are the Differences?
Do you know that hydrangeas are popular flowering shrubs that can be found in gardens all over the world? Even most of my global readers love to grow hydrangeas and cut flowers for vases. Meanwhile, one question I often get is the difference
How to Cut Hydrangea Flowers for Vase
Learn how to cut hydrangea flowers for a vase with these simple tips. Follow my guide and keep your hydrangeas fresh for weeks with these easy steps!
How Fast Do Hydrangea Shrubs Grow?
The growth rate of hydrangea shrubs varies by species and environmental conditions, but generally, they can grow anywhere from 1 to 2 feet per year once established. Similarly, the growth of hydrangea shrubs can vary with the times and seasons. These enchanting plants
How Deep Do Hydrangea Roots Go?
Hydrangea roots typically go about 2 to 3 feet deep. In some cases, they may reach even deeper, but most of their roots stay within the top 2 to 3 feet of soil. Understanding their depth is crucial for proper care. As a
Are Eggshells Good or Bad For Hydrangeas?
The answer is that eggshells can be beneficial for hydrangeas when used thoughtfully. They offer several potential advantages, such as balancing soil pH, providing nutrients, acting as a natural pest deterrent, and serving as a slow-release fertilizer. However, managing expectations and recognizing that