Gardener Soul

Using Vinegar for Mildew on Crepe Myrtles: Is It Effective?
Crepe Myrtle

Using Vinegar for Mildew on Crepe Myrtles: Is It Effective?

Oct 20, 2024

You might have seen some white and fuzzy leaves in your crepe myrtle plants. It may look like a seasonal impact, but I can assure you it’s not! The white powdery effects are mildew and it needs to be cleared as soon as possible. So, today, we will discuss whether you can use vinegar for the mildew on crepe myrtles.

In case you are new to gardening, do not worry at all! Besides giving the caring techniques for crepe myrtles, I am going to introduce you to the powdery mildew at first, and then I will give some tips to prevent those. Without any more ado, let’s get started!

What is Mildew on Crepe Myrtles?

Powdery mildew appears in warm, dry environments with moderate humidity. It typically emerges during the spring and fall seasons. If it attacks, you will see a powdery coating on plant surfaces, including leaves, stems, flowers, fruits, and vegetables. 

Why does Mildew Occur on Crepe Myrtles?

Not only crepe myrtles, but certain types of powdery mildew also target specific plants. Roses, dahlias, tomatoes, zucchini, squash, and cucumbers are particularly susceptible to powdery mildew, especially when grown in ideal conditions for its growth. 

At some points, fertilizing the crepe myrtles cannot prevent the mildew. If left untreated, your infected plants may suffer minor damage, like withered or distorted leaves and stunted growth.

How to Find Mildew on Crepe Myrtle?

Powdery mildew is a common fungal disease that we can characterize by white or gray powdery patches. Usually, the powders fall on these:

  • Leaves
  • Stems
  • Flowers
  • Fruits

The Symptoms of Mildew on Crepe Myrtles

If you are wondering, the symptoms often pose a greater threat than the actual damage. Although rarely fatal, severe cases can lead to yellowing, curling, or browning of leaves, premature defoliation, and reduced flower quality or bud drop in flowering plants and trees.

Can You Use Vinegar to Stop Mildew on Crepe Myrtles?

In 2019, a user named ‘FruiTrees’ shared in his post on the Gardening Forum that his plants are being affected by the white powder, which is called mildew by several other gardeners. On that post, the user ‘Chuck’ recommended using Vinegar alongside some other substances. 

How Vinegar Will Remove Crepe Myrtle Mildew?

Powdery mildew is a common fungal disease that affects crepe myrtles. After applying these steps, the mildew starts to fade away within some days. To combat it, you have to mix these:

  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar
  • A squirt of dish soap in a gallon of water. 

Spray the affected plants every other day. This mixture helps to create a less favorable environment for fungal growth by reducing humidity and acidity. Well, it won’t kill the mildew, but it will surely help prevent further spread and improve the plant’s appearance.

People’s Thoughts about Using Vinegar on Crepe Myrtle Mildew

The result is different depending on the weather, region, and variants. While I have solved the problem with the solution from Chuck, my other fellow gardener, Kemette, shared on a HomeTalk post that he could not make it. 

Since many people have been using vinegar to remove weeds and other parasites from crepe myrtles, it may be worth a try at least once! If it does not work, just ignore it. If you do not overwater and spray insect killer substances, you might get rid of the powdery mildew also.

What to Do in Treating Mildew on Crepe Myrtles in the Best Way?

The growth rate of crepe myrtle is pretty decent, like 20 to 30 feet in 10 to 15 years. The mildew prevention must be taken quicker before it covers all the area and becomes hard to terminate. If your crepe myrtle is suffering from powdery mildew, don’t panic. 

Natural Treatment System for Mildew Removal on Crepe Myrtle

These natural remedies can be effective:

  1. Milk and Water Solution: Combine milk and water in a 40:60 ratio and spray on affected areas. Milk has been shown to be effective against powdery mildew on plants like pumpkins and melons.
  2. Garlic Mixture: Blend garlic, water, and liquid soap. Strain and refrigerate it. Then, dilute 1:10 with water before spraying to prevent spore germination.
  3. Vinegar Solution: Mix vinegar and water and spray every three days. The acetic acid in vinegar can disrupt the fungus’s pH, killing it.
  4. Baking Soda Solution: Combine baking soda, horticultural oil, and liquid soap in water. Test on a few plants first before applying to all.
  5. Sulfur-Containing Fungicide: Sulfur is a common and effective treatment for powdery mildew.
  6. Pruning: Remove affected parts of the plant, such as leaves, buds, or stems. Pruning promotes air circulation and sunlight penetration, which can help prevent mildew growth. Disinfect your pruning shears before and after use to avoid spreading the disease.

For some starters, they won’t have ample ideas on the DIY gardening process. They can either use fungicide or baking soda treatment. 

Chemical Products that Help in Mildew Removal on Crepe Myrtle

  • Seasol
  • Seasol Biochar with Zeolite
  • PowerFeed
  • EarthCare Rose Black Spot & insect spray

The Side Effects of Powdery Mildew Beside Crepe Myrtles

Well, I know that you got your solution for crepe myrtle. But if you fail to remove it, there might be a consequence. For instance, your other trees can be dead due to this phenomenon. Besides Crepe myrtles, there are some other trees in your garden that could become affected—

  • Oaktree
  • Dogwood trees
  • Magnolia trees
  • Maple tree

To stop this menace, just choose the top varieties of crepe myrtles and plant them with extra care. Especially, you can follow the crepe myrtle guide from the Home & Garden Center to identify variants, insects, and substances that can remove insects.


Vinegar is an all-rounder for many DIY works. But when it comes to treating the mildew, it becomes really critical. You must mix vinegar in decent quantity to avoid any side effects. Besides, study the blooming time of crepe myrtle and prepare the fertilizers beforehand to avoid any unwanted disease and infection. If you still need any guidance, contact me by mail. I hope we can take care of your problems.


How do you test dead or dormant crepe myrtles?

To differentiate between a dead and dormant crepe myrtle, inspect the base of the stem. If the bark is green when scratched, the tree is likely dormant. Extremely cold winters may delay recovery, so wait for consistently warm weather before determining if the tree is truly dead.

Should you cut the dead branches off a mildew-affected crepe myrtle?

By pruning, you can benefit from crepe myrtles affected by mildew. Simply try to remove broken, diseased limbs and excess growth using sterilized shears. After doing this, there will be air circulation which helps prevent further damage. 

What is the best fungicide for crepe myrtles?

For effective powdery mildew control on crepe myrtles, try using a fungicide containing Daconil or Immunox. Follow the product instructions carefully and continue treatment until the mildew is eliminated. Alternatively, Bayer’s 3-in-1 Insect, Mite & Disease Control can also be used to target mildew.