Gardener Soul

Wisteria in Pots: How to Create a Beautiful Container Garden?

Wisteria in Pots: How to Create a Beautiful Container Garden?

Jan 13, 2025

The wisteria plant is a breathtakingly beautiful vine that fills any space with color and life. With vibrant blue and purple colors, it not only looks amazing but smells sweet at the same time. While wisteria plants are often grown in gardens or around pergolas, they can also be easily grown in pots.

Growing wisteria in pots is extremely rewarding and a great alternative for those with limited space or who want to spruce up their extra space. So, if you want to do any of these, here is a detailed guide on how to create a stunning container garden with wisteria. 

Can Wisteria Be Grown in Pots?

Yes, wisteria can be grown in pots! While they are commonly associated with growing in gardening landscapes, the wisteria plants are very adaptable. If you want to grow them in containers or pots, they will grow and thrive if you tend to them with proper care.

Additionally, growing wisteria plants in pots gives you more control over the design and size of their spread. Because of this, they are the perfect choice for limited spaces such as balconies or patios. Just pay attention to using the right pot, soil, and maintaining techniques and you are good to go!

Benefits of Growing Wisteria in Pots

If you are worried about growing wisteria in pots, we have good news for you. Planting wisteria in a container will offer you a range of benefits that will make things convenient and easy. 

Space Utilisation

Unlike the traditional way of growing wisteria plants, container gardening allows you to make use of your space in any way you want to. Especially in urban apartments, by planting wisteria you can make your outdoor space more colourful easily.


One of the biggest advantages of growing wisteria in a container is having the ability to move them to any place, any time you want. You can relocate your plant if you want to expose it to more sunlight. You can also move it to a different place during harsh weather conditions. Not only that, but you can use them as decor and reposition them anywhere.

Controlled Growth

When planted directly into the soil, the wisteria plant spreads rapidly and uncontrollably. However, if you plant it in pots, the container will help restrict the overall spread of its roots and vines. As a result of this, it is easier to maintain potted wisteria plants.

Easy Maintainance

Gardening in pots means very easy and accessible maintenance of your plants. The entire process of pruning, feeding, and pest management becomes more convenient as it is easier to monitor the wisteria plants. It also makes the process of addressing plant health more effective.

Best Types of Pots for Growing Wisteria

The type of pot that you will use for growing wisteria matters a lot. As a result, there are a few critical things to keep in mind when choosing a pot for your wisteria plant to grow. 

Container Size

The best size for your container is one that is large and spacious. It should be deep enough to provide a perfectly smooth drainage opportunity for your plant. The pot should be at least 18 inches in diameter and must have drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. This is a very important feature because wisteria plants tend to have a very deep and intricate root system. As a result of this, it needs sufficient space to survive. 


The material of the pot also plays a huge role. Containers made from concrete, ceramic, and terracotta are highly recommended. This is because they are stable enough to carry the wisteria plant weight. On the other hand, plastic containers, while affordable, are light, which may not work for wisteria plants once they start their optimum growth.

Choosing the Right Wisteria Variety for Container Growing

While growing wisteria plants in pots is possible, not all varieties of wisteria plants are suitable to be grown this way. The ones that are comparatively less vigorous climbers are the best option to have as a potted plant. For example:

  • Wisteria floribunda: This is also known as Japanese Wisteria. What distinguishes them apart from other wisteria breeds is their long and very organized flower clusters. This kind has a slower growth rate compared to other varieties. Thus, they are easy to grow in a container.
  • Wisteria sinensis: They are also called Chinese Wisteria. Compared to the Japanese Wisteria kind, they are more vigorous climbers. However, their growth is completely manageable if they are regularly pruned. 

How to Plant Wisteria in a Pot: Step-by-Step Guide

If you wish to plant wisteria in a container, then there are some key things to keep in mind. Following these steps will ensure that your potted wisteria plant will not only survive but also thrive for a long time.

Best Fertilizers for Potted Wisteria

Like any other plant, wisteria plants also thrive when they are provided with the right fertilizers containing the exact requirements. For a potted wisteria plant, the fertilizer you use needs to be balanced. They also need to be a slow-release kind of fertilizer that slowly releases its contents, such as in a 5-10-5 ratio. This promotes the flowers to bloom without causing excess foliage growth. 

Watering Requirements for Wisteria in Pots

Water is essential for your wisteria plant to survive, especially if it is potted. This is because compared to the traditional wisteria plants, potted ones need water the most as there is a limited amount of soil. Due to this, they also need to be watered every two to three days during summertime, especially if the top layer looks dry. Always do a scoop test to see if the top 1-2 inches are dry. Make sure to water thoroughly to the point that water seeps into the bottom of the pot. Never overwater your plant, however, because it can cause your roots to rot.

Training and Supporting of Potted Wisteria Vines

Considering wisteria is a type of vine, it needs extra support and training to showcase its beauty. To do this you can either add a trellis or a stake to your set-up. Choosing a strong support like these will help your wisteria vines to grow beautifully upwards. Additionally, regular training is required for two things. Firstly to ensure that your plant does not fall over. Secondly to maintain a clean appearance of your potted plant.

How to Prune Potted Wisteria for Optimal Growth?

Pruning is essential when it comes to taking care of your potted wisteria plant. This is because pruning not only controls the overall size of your plant but also promotes more blooms. During summer, you should slightly cut the long shoots down to five to six leaves after the flowering period. Doing this will ensure that the plant focuses on flowering instead of excessive growth. In winter, cut out any deadwood and trim the shoots until there are two to three buds on each stem. For pruning, always use a pair of sterilized and sharp shears.

Common Pests and Diseases for Potted Wisteria and How to Treat Them

Like all plants, the potted wisteria plant is also at risk for potential pests and diseases. However, the kind of pests or diseases that your plant may get infected with largely depends on your location and its weather. 

  • Aphids: This is when you see sticky residue on the leaves of the plant where the foliage has curled. Your plant also suffers from slow growth. However, this can be treated with any insecticidal soap, neem oil, or a mixture of water and dish soap.
  • Spider Mites: This is when there are webs over your plant, along with your leaves turning yellow and foliage covered with marks. This can be tackled by increasing the humidity of the plant by keeping water nearby.
  • Root Rot: This mainly occurs due to overwatering or poor drainage. Symptoms for this include an unpleasant smell coming from the soil and leaves turning yellow and then wilting. Your plant can easily recover from it if you move the potted plant to another container that has a proper drainage system. Also, reduce overwatering to prevent this from happening again. 


Wisteria plants are the perfect option to go for if you are planning to bring color to your outdoor space. From balconies, patios, and small gardens, you can grow wisterias in a pot, which has the same effect as the trees but is easy to manage. By selecting the right variety, providing proper care, and being cautious about pests and diseases, you can plant wisterias right at your home without much effort. 


How Much Sunlight Does Potted Wisteria Need?

At least 6 hours of direct sunlight every day. Potted wisterias need a lot of sunlight to survive for growth and flowering. A wisteria plant grown in the shade will have more foliage and fewer flowers. 

How Long Does It Take for Potted Wisteria to Bloom?

Typically 3 to 5 years. However, this largely depends on the kind of wisteria variety you are choosing to grow and in which condition. Regular care, pruning as well as proper sunlight, water, and fertilization will promote early flowering. 

How to Protect Potted Wisteria from Winter Frost?

Move your potted wisteria to another location, preferably somewhere sheltered. For example, inside a room or a garage where they are protected against harsh temperatures. You can also choose to insulate your pot, such as with bubble wrap or frost blankets. 

Read More

  1. When Does Wisteria Bloom?
  2. What is the Difference between a Wisteria Vine and a Wisteria Tree?
  3. Can Wisteria be Grown as a Bonsai?
  4. What Does a Wisteria Flower Smell Like?
  5. How to Train Wisteria on a Pergola?