Gardener Soul

The Ultimate Guide to Bigleaf Hydrangea Macrophylla: Planting and Maintenance

The Ultimate Guide to Bigleaf Hydrangea Macrophylla: Planting and Maintenance

Jan 2, 2025

Bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla is among the top planting choices among gardeners to fill their space with beautiful blooms and an eye-catching color. It does not matter if you are an experienced gardener or just starting out, this plant can easily bring a pop of beauty and creativity where you want it to.

The Bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla has color-changing flowers and is very adaptable to a range of environments. If you want to transform your garden without much effort, then they are the perfect plant to consider. To make sure you know what you are dealing with, we bring you a detailed guide that covers everything from planting to maintenance tips. 

What is Bigleaf Hydrangea Macrophylla?

The bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla is a flowering plant originally found in Japan. They mainly bloom around the time of early summer or fall. The overall height of the plant varies from one variety to another. However, they are usually 1 to 10 feet in height and 2 to 10 feet in width. This plant typically consists of flower heads that have a group of small and beautiful florets.

The flowers of bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla are round or flat in shape. Interestingly, the color of their petals varies depending on the type of soil they are growing in. They are mostly either pink or blue, sometimes coming in other colors such as red, white, and purple. Sometimes, these flowers come in one solid color, or bicolored, and sometimes even multi-colored. Regardless, all of them require full exposure to sun or very partial shade. 

Why Bigleaf Hydrangea Macrophylla is a Great Garden Choice?

As mentioned earlier, Bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla is one of the top choices to plant for gardeners. This is because of a couple of reasons, including:

  • Attractive flowers: This type of hydrangea has an attractive assortment of flower petals. They range from different and vibrant petal colors, such as blue to purple to red. This depends on the pH of the soil. For example, if you plant bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla in acidic soil with a pH of 4.0 to 5.0, the color of the petals will be blue. On the other hand, in alkaline soil with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0, the petals will be pink. 
  • Adaptability: They are quite adaptable to various weather conditions. For example, bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla can thrive in shaded areas, unlike most plants. They are also capable of enduring difficult conditions, such as changes in soil conditions. Not only that but they can be adaptable in terms of their usage for various reasons. They can be grown for display and exhibition beside the walkway of your home as well as in pots. They can also be used to make beautiful bouquets. 
  • Easy Maintenance: Overall, this flowering plant is comparatively easy to maintain. They need to be watered from time to time and not as frequently. This plant also needs to be pruned occasionally.

Types of Bigleaf Hydrangea Macrophylla Varieties

There are mainly three types of bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla. Among them, Mophead hydrangea and Lacecap hydrangea are more common and readily available when you are looking for other varieties. 

Mophead Hydrangea

This variety is also called hortensia. Among all the types of bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla, this is the most popular one. It can be easily recognized due to its large flowers that are pink, purple, and blue. This plant also has toothed leaves with roughly cut edges. Mophead hydrangea tend to be usually around 4 to 6 feet long and 3 to 5 feet wide. 

Lacecap Hydrangea

Lacecap hydrangea is also known as Hydrangea macrophylla in scientific terms. This variety of bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla is almost similar to mophead hydrangea except for their flowers. Their flower head has little fertile buds in the center with the large, flat-topped, and sterile flowers on the outside. 

Mountain Hydrangeas

Among all the varieties of bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla, mountain hydrangeas are the most uncommon. These are also known as Hydrangea macrophylla ssp. Serrata. Mountain hydrangeas have comparatively smaller flowers. However, they can survive the harshest weather conditions.

When and Where to Plant Bigleaf Hydrangea Macrophylla?

The best time to plant bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla is during mild and neutral weather conditions. For example, planting them within spring and fall is the perfect time period. However, avoid exposing your plant to severe heat and cold under any circumstances. 

Bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla grows well when they are kept in partially shaded regions. Overall, they should at least receive 4 to 6 hours of sunlight. So, in terms of place, you can grow bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla under full sunlight or partial shade. For this plant, the perfect combination is morning sun and afternoon shade. The result of too much sunlight will cause your leaves to burn, and excess shade will lead to fewer blossoms. 

Seasonal Care Tips for Bigleaf Hydrangea Macrophylla

For planting and maintaining bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla, you should always keep track of the location you are in. The environmental conditions matter a lot if you want your plant to survive. While summer and fall are perfect, planting bigleaf hydrangea marcophlla when the temperature is too high or low is a bad idea. Thus, to make sure that you have all the right information about them based on different seasonal needs, we have some specific tips for you.

Ideal Soil for Bigleaf Hydrangea Macrophylla

The ideal soil for Bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla is one that is perfectly watered, filled with organic material, and has a good drainage system. In terms of moisture, the soil should contain the right percentage instead of being over-watered. It should also have a well-balanced loam mixture with clay, silt, and sand that will improve the chance of drainage. Compost can also be added to the soil to improve its quality. 

Fertilizing Tips for Bigleaf Hydrangea Macrophylla

The kind of fertilizer you use for bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla will matter a lot. Firstly, always fertilize your plant during May, June, or July when it is early spring. Do not add fertilizer late in the summer or fall. This is because, during early springtime, the plants are fully in bloom production. They are preparing for healthy growth, so during this period, adding fertilizer is the most effective. Lastly, using a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer is crucial, or you can simply use anyone that is specifically made for hydrangeas.

Watering Needs of Bigleaf Hydrangea Macrophylla

Like all plants, bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla needs consistent watering. It is crucial to add about 1 to 2 inches of an equal amount of water at the roots every week. This can be done thoroughly and evenly if you use a hose, for example. During dry or hot temperatures, these plants should be watered more often. To prevent the chances of overwatering, you can add mulch or organic compost around the plant to help soak up the excess moisture. 

Propagation Methods for Bigleaf Hydrangea Macrophylla

While the propagating process might seem intimidating on the surface, it is absolutely doable with the right instructions. The propagation methods for bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla mainly include three ways—cutting, layering, and dividing. You can easily do this by carrying out the following steps:


To do this, you should use softwood cuttings, which are collected during the early summer period. From non-flowering stems, choose cuttings approximately 3 to 5 inches long and with three leaves. Cut below a node at an angle and dip it into the rooting hormone. Lastly, place your cutting in a moist and shaded growing medium to allow them to develop roots. 


Another method for propagating bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla is layering. You can do this by creating a trench near the plant and gently bending a branch into it. This will ensure that the part of the branch is making contact with the soil. Next, strip away a small part of the outer bark from the section touching the soil. Follow this by covering that portion with soil, leaving 6 to 12 inches of the branch tip exposed above the surface.


This process can be carried out in the early spring by dividing the grown hydrangeas. For example, they can be divided by using a shovel. From this, several bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla can be grown later on.

Pruning Bigleaf Hydrangea Macrophylla for Best Results

Pruning is a crucial part of maintaining your plants. It not only promotes new growth after each pruning session but also makes the plant look more clean and healthy. Here is how you can tend to your bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla plant with a careful approach during the pruning process: 

Best Time for Pruning: Because this variety of bigleaf hydrangea blooms on old wood, the pruning should be done after the flowering phase. 

Pruning Process: To prune your plant, trim it by cutting the outer branches and blooms until you have a layer of a healthy and fresh set of leaves. 

Things to Avoid: Be careful not to cut through old wood because it can negatively affect the next season’s blooms. You should avoid heavily pruning your plant as well, as it may lead to a loss of flowers. So, it is best to stick to a minimal amount of pruning to heighten the look of your plant.


With proper care and attention, you can easily plant Bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla and maintain it to its optimal condition. Not to mention, this will largely pay off in the future when you will be granted beautiful and vibrant blooms from time to time. 

So, you can make the whole process ten times easier by knowing the precise care this plant needs. After all, the effort it takes to look after Bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla with its adaptability and ease of maintenance, has made it a favorite among gardeners of all experience levels.


When do bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla bloom?

Around June to late September. They start to bloom from mid-spring till early fall on sturdy and strong stems that fully display the beautiful flower heads. 

Can you grow bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla in a pot?

Yes, bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla can be grown in a pot. However, in order to do so, you must choose a large and spacious pot. Also, make sure to pick a small selection of these flowers because they can grow a lot and very rapidly with time. Due to this, you even need to repot the plant regularly to make adequate space for its roots to grow.

How tall does Bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla grow?

Typically, they grow 3 to 6 feet tall and wide when the bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla has fully grown. This is because the plant quickly grows into a multi-stemmed bush, growing both in height and width at the same time.

Can Bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla grow in full sun?

Yes, they can grow under full sun. However, bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla grows in perfect condition if it is put under partial shade. Full exposure to the sun for a prolonged period of time will negatively affect the leaves and reduce blooming. 

Can bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla survive winter?

Yes, bigleaf hydrangea macrophylla can survive winter in most climates. However, it may require some extra protection in colder areas. For example, adding mulch around the base of the plants will provide insulation to the roots and keep them protected from harsh cold weather.